

One of the most commonly asked questions about programs in the College of Arts & 科学 is, "What type of career will I be able to pursue with a liberal arts degree?" To answer that important question, we must first outline the goals of a liberal arts education.

Definition and Goals of a Liberal Arts Education

博雅教育 reflects a philosophy of learning that is based not on specific courses, 而是, 需要接触广泛的学科, as well as to in-depth study in at least one academic area. 远大前程(2002), a national panel report conducted by the American Association of Colleges and Universities, reported that a liberal education facilitates the development of mental agility, 智力, 对多样性的理解和欣赏, 伦理问题, 为他人服务, 批判性思维能力.

"These objectives are achieved through courses that make up the curricula of the college--courses which historically have been regarded as the means whereby human beings come to understand themselves and the world in which they live. These courses fall within the academic areas known as the humanities, 社会科学, 自然科学. 博雅教育, 无论是在广度还是方法上, provides not only the specific knowledge and skills required for careers in today's changing society, but encourages a lifetime quest for active learning" (newbb电子平台 Catalog).


在艺术学院 & 科学 we believe that studying a foreign language is a critical component of becoming a well-educated person. 以下内容来自 艾伦·C. Frantz - Seventeen Values of Foreign Language Study) are just some of the reasons why studying a foreign language is considered a worthwhile academic pursuit:

  • offers a sense of a relevant past, both culturally and linguistically
  • 有助于扩大一个人的世界观
  • contributes to the creation of a student's personality
  • fosters an understanding of the interrelation between language and human nature
  • 有助于提高文化意识
  • develops the intellect (includes learning "how" to learn)
  • improves one's knowledge of the native language, through comparison and contrast with the foreign language
  • teaches and encourages respect for other peoples
  • expands one's opportunities for meaningful leisure activities such as travel, 阅读, 或者看外语片

How Does a Liberal Arts Degree Relate to a Career?

N. 维克多·古德曼, 前newbb电子平台董事会成员, 杰出的律师, spoke to our graduating class of 2004 and said that "as our world becomes ever more specialized and complex, as technology threatens to outrun our ability to understand it, it is more important than ever to gain the perspective and utilize the judgment that a lifelong liberal arts education provides."

The answer, therefore, to the question, "How does a liberal arts degree relate to a career?" is that is that it prepares you for all potential careers. In most cases, it is a mistake to attempt to draw a direct connection between "major" and "job". Students graduating with an undergraduate major are not yet professionals in a specific field. As you may be aware, the average American changes careers an average of five times over a lifetime. In the world of work, a college degree, along with your own salesmanship, wins the job race. 甚至比专业更重要, what matters most in building a lifetime of successful careers, is your ability as an educated person to learn "on the job," and your capacity to adjust to and thrive in new and challenging environments. Employers value employees who have good critical thinking and decision-making skills, the ability to communicate effectively (written and verbal), 知道如何研究课题, 有能力与他人合作, and who are committed to a life-time of independent learning. These skills are hallmarks of a liberal arts degree.


We recommend that you select a major you know you will enjoy and one in which you can excel. Some entering students know exactly what they want to major in; many others are unsure. In fact, most first-year students change majors at least once! If you are undecided about a major, don't worry. You have the opportunity to explore many different academic fields. We have specially selected faculty and professional advisers who guide our undecided students through the exploration process. For more information on choosing a major, you can go to:

学生的成功 & 职业发展


University of Minnesota Morris: How to Choose a Major


The answer, in a nutshell, is "anything" you want! Once you've decided on your major, your work is not yet complete. You also need to think about what you are interested in doing after undergraduate school. Are you considering graduate or professional school? 你打算进入就业市场吗? Our Office of Career Services can assist you with how best to prepare for your next step. You may decide to add a minor or certificate program in a career field or opt to do an internship or volunteer in that area. 无论如何, because of the academic and work/volunteer experiences you complete as an undergraduate liberal arts student in the College of Arts & 科学, you can become a desirable candidate for that first professional job or master's program.

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