Leadership Team

招生管理由一组经验丰富的专业人士领导,他们致力于从全州招募和留住高成就的学者, throughout the nation and the around globe. Driven by a passion to help students fulfill and exceed their educational goals, the team supports all aspects of enrollment, including recruitment and yield, outreach and communications, application processing and review, financial aid and scholarships, transfer credit, dual enrollment, registration, scheduling, and ensuring accuracy, integrity and confidentiality of academic records. 部门领导紧密合作,并与学术和行政合作伙伴提供成功的学生成果.

Enrollment Management Contacts

Candace J. Boeninger

Candace J. Boeninger

Vice President for Enrollment Management
Cutler Hall 304

Candace J. Boeninger serves as Ohio University’s first vice president for Enrollment Management. Named to the position in 2021, 她为这一职位带来了近20年的招生和招生领导经验, having previously served as interim vice provost for strategic enrollment management, 负责战略招生管理的副教务长兼俄亥俄州本科生招生主任. Candace is an experienced enrollment executive committed to effecting change, operating strategically, leading with integrity and delivering data-informed, relationship-driven results. In her role as vice president, she is responsible for the development, 明确和实施学校的战略性招生管理工作. 她在校长委员会以及教务长的高级职员和院长委员会任职. As an active and engaged contributor within the enrollment profession, 她曾担任领导职务,并支持了许多专业和国家组织, 包括全国大学入学咨询协会及其俄亥俄州分支机构, 美国大学注册和招生官员协会和大学委员会. 坎迪斯获得了桑福德大学英语和西班牙语文学学士学位,以及田纳西大学英语文学硕士学位.

Bob Bulow

Assistant Vice President for Student Information Strategy and University Registrar
Chubb Hall 160

Bob Bulow是负责学生信息策略和大学注册的助理副校长, 在那里他为大学注册办公室和退伍军人和军人学生服务中心提供领导和远见. 自2007年以来,Bob一直在大学注册处担任逐步负责的领导和管理职务, leading projects and implementing change, while fostering relationships across teams. As assistant vice president for student information strategy and university registrar, Bob directs a staff that is responsible for all student academic records, the undergraduate catalog, curriculum management, degree audit, registration, scheduling, graduation, unit record reporting, 支持技术,为办公室的选民和退伍军人的教育福利服务. 他获得了综合数学教育的教育学学士学位, and a Master of Education in College Student Personnel at Ohio University. A well-respected member of the professional registrar community, Bob目前是俄亥俄州大学注册和招生官员协会(OACRAO)的前任主席。.

Rob Callahan

Cutler Hall 307

罗布·卡拉汉(Rob Callahan)是the Online的助理副总裁兼执行董事, Transfer and Credit Services Center. 高等教育专业人士,从事招生管理工作19年以上, Rob has provided leadership to various areas including student recruitment (first-year, international, transfer and online), dual enrollment, transfer credit and articulation, community college partnerships, admissions operations, management of state initiatives and implementation of new legislation and rules. 他持有newbb电子平台教育管理硕士学位和甘农大学管理信息系统学士学位. He joined OHIO in 2006 and was appointed to his current role in 2023.

Jennifer Dillie

Senior Business Manager
Cutler Hall 308

Jennifer Dillie serves as the senior business manager for Enrollment Management, where she directs, implements and provides strategic oversight for administrative, financial, human resources and operational functions of Enrollment Management. 她运用分析和领导能力,确保整个招生管理的顺利运作和效率. An OHIO alumna and member of the University for more than 20 years, Jennifer was appointed to her current role in 2021.

Valerie K. Miller, MBA

Chubb Hall 020

瓦莱丽·米勒(Valerie Miller)自1996年以来一直担任newbb电子平台学生经济援助和奖学金办公室的执行主任. She has been in the role of director since 2011. As director, Valerie oversees the administration of all federal, 国家和机构财政援助以及大学的主要可再生奖学金计划. In 2021, 她的部门管理着2.33亿美元的本科生经济援助,超过4亿美元用于所有学生. Prior to joining OHIO, 瓦莱丽曾在学校/贷款人关系在俄克拉何马州摄政高等教育的担保学生贷款计划. 她在经济援助方面的职业生涯最初是作为一名学生雇员开始的,后来在堪萨斯州匹兹堡州立大学担任经济援助顾问, 她还获得了金融学士学位和工商管理硕士学位.

Dr. Mateo Remsburg

Chubb Hall 120

Dr. 马特奥·雷姆斯堡于2021年7月加入newbb电子平台社区,担任招生管理助理副校长兼本科招生执行主任。. In his role, Dr. Remsburg oversees Undergraduate Admissions, which supports outreach and recruitment strategy, admission policy and processes, and yield initiatives for domestic and international first-year, transfer, 成人和非学位学生在newbb电子和俄亥俄在线课程注册. 他为俄亥俄州带来了25年的高等教育招生和录取经验,最近在犹他大学任职. Dr. Remsburg earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Utah, 他拥有堪萨斯州立大学学生咨询/人事服务理学硕士学位和犹他大学教育领导与政策博士学位.

Katie Troyer

Senior Director of Enrollment Marketing
Chubb Hall 120

Katie Troyer serves as the senior director of Enrollment Marketing and Operations. In alignment with university strategy and goals, and in partnership with University Communications and Marketing, Katie creates and directs integrated marketing, communication, CRM和事件管理策略,促进高校招生目标的实现. In the last year, Katie的团队负责执行超过1400万的出站电子邮件和短信,以支持注册工作. Under Katie’s direction, Enrollment Management recently procured and implemented Rufus the Catbot, 这是一个多平台的人工智能自助聊天机器人,旨在与newbb电子平台现有的技术基础设施集成. Katie在俄亥俄州获得硕士和学士学位,自2008年以来一直是招生管理团队的一员.