


The OHIO Regional Promise Award is an automatic four-year renewable scholarship program covering up to the full cost of regional campus tuition and mandatory fees for Pell-eligible students with a minimum 3.0 high school GPA enrolling at one of OHIO’s regional campuses for the fall 2024 semester as a full-time, 一年级, 去学生. “最后一美元”计划, the scholarship will cover any gap between the cost of regional tuition and mandatory fees and what Pell Grant and/or federal, state, 或者其他机构的援助不包括在内.

  1. Submit your OHIO application for your regional campus of choice by the extended deadline of March 15, 2024.
  2. 发送你的高中成绩单,证明你至少获得了3分.累计平均绩点0. 
  3. Submit the 2024-2025 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) so that OHIO receives your results by the first-priority date, 延期到4月15日, 2024, 并有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金. 
  4. 在2024年秋季注册为全日制, 一年级, 在俄亥俄州的一个地区校园攻读学位的学生. 

Both Ohio residents and non-Ohio residents are eligible for the OHIO Regional Promise Award and One OHIO Scholarship. The OHIO Regional Promise Award will cover the required non-resident fee for students who are not Ohio residents for tuition purposes. 注:肯塔基州和西弗吉尼亚州的居民可能有资格 在俄亥俄州居留以支付学费.

Which academic programs or majors are eligible for the OHIO Regional Promise Award?

The OHIO Regional Promise Award is available to eligible students pursuing any of our undergraduate degree programs at any OHIO regional campus. The award is renewable for four years (eight semesters) for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree, 攻读副学士学位的学生则需要两年(四个学期). 

Is the OHIO Regional Promise Award available to students who have already applied for fall 2024?

Yes! 如果你已经申请了2024年秋季的俄亥俄地区校园, 确保你的FAFSA成绩在第一优先日期之前发送到俄亥俄州, 延期到4月15日, 2024, 俄亥俄州地区承诺奖的候选人.

如果我没有3分,我还能申请俄亥俄州的地区校区吗.0 GPA?

是的,当然! 即使你没有资格获得俄亥俄州地区承诺奖, 我们期待收到您的申请和FAFSA. All of OHIO’s regional campuses offer an open admission policy for high school graduates. 录取是基于正式的高中成绩单或同等学历. Federal, state or institutional 金融 aid may be available, depending on your FAFSA results.


The 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) serves as the application for all federal, state and institutional 金融 aid at newbb电子平台. 学生可以在网上提交FAFSA fafsa.gov. 俄亥俄州的许多择优奖学金不需要FAFSA, but students must file a FAFSA each year to be eligible for the renewable OHIO Regional Promise Award and the One OHIO Scholarship. 你的FAFSA必须在第一优先日期之前提交, 延期到4月15日, 2024, 2024年俄亥俄州地区承诺奖的候选人.

如果提交FAFSA,我就有资格获得经济援助, 包括贷款, 为了获得俄亥俄州地区承诺奖,我必须接受援助吗?

The OHIO Regional Promise Program is intended to cover any remaining gap between federal, state and institutional grants/scholarships and regional campus tuition and mandatory fees. Families are not obligated to accept any other types of 金融 aid that might be offered, 包括贷款.

How do I apply for scholarships and aid in addition to the OHIO Regional Promise Award?

Your application for admission to a regional campus also serves as your application for University scholarships. Completing the FAFSA allows you to be considered for all other types of 金融 aid.

Can scholarships awarded outside of newbb电子平台 be combined with the OHIO Regional Promise Program?

Yes! Any outside scholarships you receive will not impact your eligibility for the OHIO Regional Promise. 

If I’m considering the Athens campus and one of the regional campuses, what do I do?

通常, students who are admitted to both Athens and a regional campus will be offered 金融 aid based on anticipated enrollment on the Athens campus. 提供经济援助, 从4月份开始寄出, will display the campus and housing assumptions used in determining the 金融 aid provided. If a student would like to find out what types and amounts of 金融 aid are available at a regional campus, 请电子邮件 金融.aid@havevh.com

If I am awarded the OHIO Regional Promise Award, am I required to take all my courses on one campus?

Students who have earned a Regional Promise Award on any regional campus may pursue coursework offered by any of OHIO’s regional campuses.


Eligibility for the OHIO Regional Promise Award requires full-time enrollment at one of OHIO’s regional campuses for fall 2024. The One OHIO Scholarship is available for Regional Promise Award recipients who wish to relocate to Athens after at least one year at the regional campus. Qualified students interested in attending the Athens campus in fall 2024 may be eligible for 俄亥俄州入学承诺 consideration, as well as other scholarships and 金融 aid specific to that campus.

Are transfer applicants or current regional campus students eligible for the OHIO Regional Promise Award?

现在不行. 俄亥俄州地区承诺奖提供给全日制学生, 一年级, 在俄亥俄州的一个地区校园攻读学位的学生 beginning in fall 2024. Transfer applicants who are ready for a change in their higher education plans are welcome to apply to OHIO and will be eligible for consideration for any transfer scholarships available at their campus. 对于基于需求的经济援助,转学生应该填写FAFSA.

Are international freshman applicants eligible for the OHIO Regional Promise Program?

Eligibility for the OHIO Regional Promise Program is limited to students who are eligible to file the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). 持F-1或J-1签证的学生没有资格提交FAFSA.


The OHIO Regional Promise Award may not be combined with some University scholarships, 全学费员工/家属教育福利, 或者其他全额学费的奖学金.


俄亥俄州地区承诺目前适用于2024年秋季申请人. We’ll share more information about application requirements for the 2025 application cycle next academic year. 加入我们的邮寄名单 保持信息灵通!