
Polarity Management – 利用 the Power of “And”

  • Leaders can feel stress if trying to solve a problem with more than one right answer using an ‘要么/or’ approach.
  • 利用 the power of ‘And’ might lead to better results 和 Dr. Barry Johnson’s “Polarity Map” provides leaders with a valuable tool to manage that approach.

Our brains are naturally hard-wired to find the shortest path to making decisions. “绿灯了,走吧.“红灯亮了,停车。.” We also spend much of our time as students learning in similar ways: math problems where “4+4=8” 和 true or false tests where only one right answer is possible like, 真或假? 俄亥俄州的首府是哥伦布.”

意料之中的是, we carry these approaches into adulthood 和 into our leadership roles, often finding ourselves stuck 和 unable to change or move forward when looking for an ‘要么/or’ answer where actually more than one solution exists. 这些情况就是Dr. Barry Johnson has defined as polarities or, “…interdependent pairs that need each other over time.”(Johnson, 2020, p. 这些极性,博士. Johnson’s research has found, represent challenges to be managed rather than problems to be solved.

A quick scan finds numerous examples of polarities in our everyday lives: work-life balance, 任务和. relationships 和 communicating with c和or vs. 外交只是其中的几个例子. Polarities exist because of the tension that exists between the values 和 fears of two poles. Incorporating an “And” approach complements traditional problem-solving methods, 帮助管理这些两极.

据博士说. 约翰逊,我们通过, 看到, 映射, Assessing, 学习 和 利用 他们. (p. 24)幸运的是, his decades of research have provided us with a relatively simple tool to help demonstrate this, 如下图所示, using inhaling 和 exhaling as a necessary polarity to manage in order to achieve the greater purpose of staying alive.




  • 看到 – relatively straightforward; we clearly see that we 不能选择 to 要么 吸入 or 呼气,但一定要吸气 呼气.
  • 映射 – We can map the polarities 和 see the upsides of both inhaling exhaling (top squares) while also seeing the downside consequences of managing one to the neglect of the other (bottom squares).
  • 评估/学习 – Done quickly 和 near simultaneously in this instance; how well are we meeting our needs to both 吸入 和 呼气? Have we noticed increased carbon dioxide or decreased oxygen?
  • 利用 – What action steps can we take to maximize the upsides 和 what early warning signs will we now look for when we’re moving into the downsides?

While the example above is quite simplified, polarity management is an effective tool for leaders as they tackle everything from individual challenges to organizational dilemmas. Like noticing red cars everywhere once we’ve decided to buy one, I see polarities arising more often in my leadership coaching as I look for more opportunities to apply it. Jennifer (not her real name) was a client with a greater purpose of being an effective leader. As she expressed her desire to remain authentic, 以谦逊和矜持来领导, Jennifer wrestled with feedback she received that she needed to act more assertively 和 demonstrate greater self-confidence. We worked with the polarity map 和 cataloged the upsides of both, as well as the negative results of focusing on one more than the other. The resultant action steps 和 early warnings helped Jennifer empower others 和 stay true to her personal values by leading humbly, while at the same time knowing when she needed to be more assertive in order to provide the clarity of task 和 purpose her team needed. Jennifer welcomed this balance, leading more confidently while also staying true to herself.

I encourage you to become more aware of the polarities that are present in your everyday life. And the next time you’re wrestling with a leadership challenge, I encourage you to ask yourself: is this an ‘要么/or’ problem with just one solution, or do I have a polarity that needs managed by using ‘And’? 


[1] http://newthoughtevolutionary.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/thriving-skill-mastering-polarity-management-part-1/


约翰逊,B. 2020. And: Making a Difference by 利用 Polarity, Paradox or Dilemma. 第一卷:基础. HRD的新闻.